Carmen Miranda, Marca Brasil and national identity- a historical glance- ICDHS (2025)

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The Doctrines of Good Taste [in english]

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Design frontiers: territories, concepts, technologies [electronic book]. São Paulo: Blucher, 2012., 2012

Paper published in the 'ICDHS 2012 - 8th Conference of the International Committee for Design History & Design Studies' proceedings. Abstract: This paper try to analyse the Good Taste Campaign (Portugal, 1940's) and understand how it was generated and produced: the intentions, sources and influences supporting it; how it derived from these usually irreconcilable concepts (modern and tradition); and, despite the authoritarian background, its decisive consequences on the present Portuguese identity and in the formation of the discipline, as probably the most successfully implemented Portuguese national Design policy.

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Maddalena Dalla Mura, Carlo Vinti, “The Island of Italian Design? Some Notes for Questioning a Long-Lived Myth”, in: “Design Frontiers: Territories, Concepts, Technologies” (ICDHS 2012 Conference, San Paolo, Brasile, 4-7 settembre 2012), San Paolo, Blucher, pp. 120-124

Design Frontiers: Territories, Concepts, Technologies

Within the historical discourse over Italian design, a persistent interpretive strand can be detected which has tended to depict the Italian case as an island, detached from the mainstream international developments. While it has helped reveal some features of Italian design, this exceptionalist reading has tended to leave in the shadow some other stories and aspects of the development of design in Italy that do not align with that image of singularity. In this paper we intend to bring into light some of these other issues, as suggestions for further investigation.

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Cristina Portugal

Information Design is a discipline that converges di erent areas, such as art, education and technology. is may be one of the reasons why the CIDI 2015 - 7th Information Design International Conference - attracted over 4000 people (among registered participants and general public) for the four days of the event held in Brasilia in September of 2015. is book brings together a selection of papers that illustrate some of the research topics discussed at the conference. e Selected Readings book is composed of twelve chapters by three keynote speakers and the presenters at the conference. Papers that were originally published at the Proceedings of the 7th Information Design International Conference (Editora Blucher, 2015) were adapted for publication in this book. It is mainly intended to support an academic audience (e.g. lecturers, researchers, and graduate and postgraduate students). e chapters are gathered into three main themes: “Digital media design”, “Design education”, and “Methods, theories and new design approaches”. e initial section concerns digital media design. Chapter 1, “Understanding animated and interactive journalistic health infographics”, by Rafael Andrade and Carla Spinillo, investigates the e ects of animation, interaction and text display mode on understanding health infographics in online journalism vehicles. e empirical research observed ve experimental conditions, involving 50 participants, and took into account both the graphics and informational aspects of the content. e second chapter of this section is entitled “Social interaction guidelines for Brazilian digital television: the example of “Tererês” TV program” and is authored by Taygoara Sousa and Paulo Souza. ey investigate social interaction guidelines within the Brazilian model of TV and, as a result, they present a model of organizing and projecting design interfaces for digital TV. “Doulas, mothers, and cell phones: Storytelling and a supportive doula approach for mothers at risk for postpartum depression”, Chapter 3, by Judith Moldenhauer et al., explores the use of a cell phone app with a focus on storytelling. In particular, they investigate the use of a cell phone application developed in the USA for postpartum doulas to help mothers identify postpartum depression symptoms and how this app could be adapted for use in developing countries. Chapter 4, “Design and interactive bilingual literature”, by Rita Couto et al. concludes this rst section; it describes the design process of an interactive book in bilingual digital format with a focus on deaf children. eir investigation encompasses relationships between Design, Education and Technology. e chapters concerning design education were gathered together in Section 2. “Pictograms in teaching drawing to the visually impaired: a case study of a teenager’s drawing of a bird”, Chapter 5, by Mari Piekas, investigates teaching drawing to visually impaired children and teenagers. She proposes a method for teaching drawing from Pictographic vocabulary. “Collaborative learning process through co-creation of graphic representations for synthesis (GRS)”. Chapter 6, by Juliana Bueno and Stephania Padovani, investigates learning in theoretical classes in Design post-graduationu ey present a study on the production process of GRS developed collaboratively by students during the classes of User-Centered Design in a Brazilian postgraduate course. Chapter 7, “Pioneering disciplines of History of Design in Brazil: the place of graphic design”, by the keynote speaker Marcos Braga, reviews the rst disciplines that dealt with the history of design in undergraduate design courses in Brazil. He also shows an analysis of the place of the history of graphic design within these courses. e nal chapter of this section, Chapter 8, is entitled “From Mapping to Data Visualisation: Re- evaluating Design Education at the Royal College of Art” and is authored by the keynote speaker Teal Triggs. She explores some of the key themes related to design education and its future, and how people are engaging with new ways of thinking about design education. She carried out these explorations through examples from MA and PhD students of the RCA’s School of Communication. e last section is about methods, theories and new information design approaches. e rst chapter of this section, Chapter 9, is entitled “Semiotics and information design. <metabolisme. design> an interactive tool for designers”, and is authored by the keynote speaker Bernard Darras. He presents a semiotic tool, called Metabolisme, which is “intended to accompany the follow- up of changing distributed meaning”. He also discusses the impact of information design on the development of this tool. Chapter 10, “Methods and practices of Brazilian designers on digital projects” by Paula Farias and Virginia Souto, investigates methods and practices of design processes in digital projects used by designers in Brazil. ey present a study on design processes and methodologies, a survey with Brazilian designers of digital projects, and discuss design processes and methodologies used by them. “Basic ID-theories”, Chapter 11, by Rune Pettersson, presents seven theories applied to information design. e author classi es design into six families and presents many important information design de nitions. He also explains that only one of the seven theories is considered internal (i.e. based on research within information design). e nal chapter of this book is “Using new media art and multisensory design for information and data representation”, Chapter 12, and is authored by Patricia Search. She presents a study on multisensory design elements that augment traditional approaches to information design. Her chapter includes visual design examples from an interactive art project that illustrate “how new media design and multisensory information can create engaging experiences that expand our perception of multimedia and spatiotemporal relationships”. We hope you have pleasant reading and can feel a bit of the experience of the 7th Information Design International Conference. Other papers from the conference are online available at http:// Brasília, April 2016 Th}e editors

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Digital Children’s Books: An Analysis of the eBook- app, The Numberlys from the Perspective of Game Design (p. 62)

Deglaucy J Teixeira

Throughout the evolution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), interactive products are now widespread, including eBooks. Due to the various media used in this interactivity, an uncertainty about its identity emerged: game or eBook? Thus, from a descriptive and analytical method, using bibliographical references on digital books, hypermedia narratives and game design to characterize the eBook-app, The Numberlys display the game features proposed by Juul [1]. Thus, it was observed that the presence of game design elements of this narrative is the process of ramification and not characterized as a game.

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Interior Design Contributions for Well-being and Sustainability: Case Study of Hostels in Lisbon

Santa Klavina Marques, Manuel Duarte Pinheiro

This paper presents an on-going Ph.D. research about interior design, well-being, and sustainability in hostels of Lisbon. Interior design has boosted comfort in designed environments disconnected from natural environment, despite encouragements to include sustainability in design. Since 2006 several Lisbon hostels gained international recognition even without national characterisation due to limiting Youth Hostel state definition, and economic deterioration in Portugal. Evolving paradigm proposes that interior design would improve wellbeing through filter of sustainability, depending on objective and subjective variables. Through literature review paper identifies main concepts contributing for survey in progress by identifying the key variables of studied system.

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Decorative Paternalism: Analysis of Two Books of the National Campaign for the Education of Adults Devoted to Interior Decoration – 1956 [in english]

carlos bártolo

Back to the Future The Future in the Past: ICDHS 10th+1 barcelona 2018 Conference Proceedings Book, 2018

During the 1950s – a political turning point of the Por- tuguese dictatorship (1926–1974) – the official organ- ism responsible for adult education published in the same year two books about interior design. The books have similar objectives and style; nonethe- less, they reflect two distinct contexts of this decade. A time when the regime began to abandon the traditionalist fantasy nation it had (re)invented, and reluctantly accept- ed that the external world was evolving. Under an idealist tone, the storylines and characters present in the books depict situations that reveal enough divergences to associ- ate them with these antagonistic socio-political moments. At the same time the advice, illustrations, and ex- pected outcomes of both cases also reveal different un- derstandings of what design’s social-functional purpose could be, years before it was assumed as an autono- mous discipline in Portugal.

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Paradise identity, between projection and protection. Cesar Manrique’s lessons for current challenges in territorial innovation

Carlos Jimenez-Martinez

São Paulo: Blucher (, 2012

This paper analyzes the validity of design principles seeded by Manrique in Lanzarote Island (1968-1992) to face current challenges in territorial innovation. Such period comprehended a radical shift from subsistence agriculture towards a massive tourism industry, where local resources and collective identity had to be both projected and protected to look appealing for globalized leisure. Roles, methodologies, ecodesign strategies and success indicators are briefly identified to serve as a didactic tool for future designers.

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Carmen Miranda, Marca Brasil and national identity- a historical glance- ICDHS (2025)


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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.